Karlijn Muiderman

241 Acknowledgements The completion of my thesis would not have been possible without several very inspiring research collaborations. I am extremely grateful to all my former colleagues at the Environmental Policy Group of Wageningen University for making me feel at home and introducing me to ENP’s key concepts and research strands. Eira, Tabitha, and Nila for your friendship, but also all the other PhD students; Sayel, Moises, Maira, Mariska, Mandy, Jillian, Anke, and ENP colleagues for the many interesting discussions, insightful presentations, and coffee machine chats. Corry, I very much appreciate that you helped me find my way within the institute. It has been an amazing privilege to have worked with Monika, Saher, John, and Roger at the Environmental Change Institute right before the pandemic started. Thank you so much for making me feel at home in Oxford. I am particularly deeply indebted to Monika. It was amazing that you instantly saw the innovativeness of the analytical framework and allowed it to be the backbone of a two-day workshop. I enjoyed this part of the research most. While traveling home from Oxford in February 2020, covid was spreading throughout Europe and I settled in Paris. I am very grateful to my supervisors, colleagues, and coauthors for being flexible about it as it has been instrumental in combining research and preparing for the birth of my daughter Anaïs. It has also been a true privilege to have worked in a wonderful international research teamwith colleagues from the CCAFS’ Futures project: Rathana, Marieke and Maliha. I absolutely loved our discussions where we connected theory and practice. Seeing the results of our multiregional research come together in the final empirical chapter has been the icing on the cake. I am also very grateful to Robert Zougmoré and Larwanou Mahana, your help was instrumental in conducting the research for chapters 3 and 5. Finally, I must also thank my new colleagues with the Netherlands Institute for Social Research, for welcoming me into their team and allowing me to take part in and develop very exciting research from the onset. The PhD trajectory has not just been a professional journey, but also a personal one, and I feel extremely fortunate to have had the moral support of my friends along the way. Thank you for your patience while I cut back a lot of my social time. Marijt and Lotte, we go way back. Lotte, we know how to go high and low and then go high again. You have always been there for me to help me process the lows and celebrate the milestones. Marijt, thank you for always staying close to my heart and home. Maite, thank you for your sharp and witty advice. Anna, your dance rhythm fits mine. You both have become my experiential escape from research life and amazing support as ‘paranymphs plus’. Jos, for joining our bubble and philosophizing life with me. Elise, Varun, and Vanessa, thank you for your encouragement to start PhD research. Saskia, for encouraging me to actually do it. You and Rene have been a real support in many ways and have set me on a new track. Andy, for always keeping an eye out for the finalization of the thesis and helping me with the final edits. Janien and Marie-Anne, how exciting that we are