Karlijn Muiderman

242 Acknowledgements embarking on a post PhD adventure. Pim and Ilana, for implanting this picture of your southern France swimming pool towards the end – I hope to visit you soon again. My family. You have shaped my foundation and have always been in my mind. We’ve shared love, many tears, and laughter. Special thanks to my dad and sister Leonie, for accepting that I could not be there for you as much as you needed. You have shown me what resilience means and to never take health and happiness for granted. My mom, for teaching me how to be disciplined and assertive, and take things one step at a time. I am particularly grateful that you have given me the space I needed to make my own choices, although that meant that I could not help out as much. My sister Rosanne, thank you for navigating the complexities of our childhood with me and for always being proud; so am I of you! Nico, thank you for bringing laughter into the life of mom and being an extra grandparent to Anaïs. The Rutting family, Jack, Thea, Lucas, Alice, Elske, and Antonio, for welcoming me into your lives and introducing me to your Ruttiaanse nuchterheid, jokes, and confidence. You truly feel like my own family. Casper, I cannot begin to express my gratitude for your endless love and support throughout the PhD trajectory. With you, I found balance and happiness in life. You helped me prioritize big things, like those within PhD research (or road cycling goals). And finally, Anaïs, being your mom fulfills me with more joy than I could ever imagine. You have become the best research distraction, it’s pure magic watching you grow into this stubborn, funny, sociable mini person. Your open way of exploring the world gives me so much hope for the future!