Karlijn Muiderman

48 Chapter 2 Figure 2.1. Approaches to anticipatory governance: diverse conceptions of the future and actions in the present 2.5. Methods and tools of anticipation: overlapping use and varying ends Having described four approaches to anticipatory governance, we now discuss the tools and methods of anticipation used within, but also across, these four approaches. The reason for this separate section is that the four approaches to anticipatory governance, and methods used herein, are not straightforwardly aligned. Although certain tools and methods align more with a given approach, similar methods and tools can also be used by distinct approaches to anticipatory governance. Furthermore, a single anticipation process can use multiple mechanisms, methods and tools (Vervoort et al., 2014). For example, one can combine quantitative models with participatory scenario or visioning processes to gain insights into the future drivers that may be difficult to imagine (MasonD’Croz et al., 2016). The purpose of this section, however, is not to explain the use of diverse methods of anticipation in anticipatory processes, but rather to analyse which