Karlijn Muiderman

52 Chapter 2 (Bellamy et al., 2012; Fonseca & Pereira, 2014; Mittelstadt et al., 2015; Selin, 2007, 2008). An example of such critical application is analysis of future narratives and images, which is used to question the limiting assumptions about what futures are possible, to open up dialogue for exploring novel and alternative pathways, and to interrogate the political implications of future visions and pathways for the present (Selin, 2008). Anticipation tools serve here as heuristic devices to identify diverse futures (Sarkki et al., 2017; Talberg et al., 2018) and to democratize anticipatory knowledge production. Here, anticipation mechanisms are primarily investigated as future framings with important political implications in the present (Biermann & Gupta, 2011; Vervoort & Gupta, 2018), rather than as a proxy for merely knowing futures. In this view, participatory and inclusive anticipation practices are vehicles to interrogate and open up dominant framings of the future. Figure 2.2. Engaging with the future, acting in the present: diverse tools and methods of anticipation In this section, we discussed methods and tools that are used in and across four approaches to anticipation and anticipatory governance. Figure 2.2 maps these methods and tools onto our continuum of four approaches to anticipatory governance. The boxes