Karlijn Muiderman

71 Approaches to anticipatory governance in West Africa 3 2020) and are therefore the starting point for this inquiry into anticipatory climate governance in various contexts of Western Africa. Figure 3.1. Diverse tools and methods of anticipation Caption: The horizontal axis in the figure visualizes ‘ the conception of the future’ and the vertical axis ‘implications for steering in the present ’. The circles represent a non-exhaustive set of methods and tools of anticipation for each of the approaches 3.3. Methodology This section describes the methodological approach to the empirical analysis. I first describe the case study and then explain how data was collected. 3.3.1. Case study region: West Africa This paper presents a qualitative case study of anticipatory climate governance processes inWest Africa using the analytical framework on anticipatory governance by Muiderman et al. (2020). Climate change is projected to have a larger impact on the West African region than elsewhere in the world, particularly in its arid Sahel zone (Sylla et al.,