Karlijn Muiderman

74 Chapter 3 Table 3.1. Documents reviewed and three processes analyzed in-depth (in blue) Country Reports and academic articles Policy documents Senegal 1. Climate models and policy workshops 1. Emerging Senegal Plan 2014-2035 (2014) 2. Ordered probit model 2. National Adaptation Plan for the Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector in the Face of Climate Change Horizon 2035 (2016) 3. Program of Acceleration of the Cadence of Senegalese Agriculture (2014) 4. Prospective Study 2035 Ghana 3. Participatory scenarios workshop 5. National Climate Adaptation Master Plan (2015) 4. Downscaled climate change scenarios 6. Shared Growth and Development Agenda II (2014) 7. Coordinated Program of Economic and Social Development Policies 2017-2024 8. National Climate Adaptation Master Plan (2015) Burkina Faso 5. Climate projections 9. National Climate Adaptation Plan (2015) 6. Participatory foresight analysis workshop 10. National Rural Development Plan II (2018) 7. Practical consensual tool Mali 8. Cost-benefit analysis 11. National Strategy for Climate Change and the National Climate Plan of Action (2011) 9. Participatory foresight workshop 12. National Climate Adaptation Plan (2016) 13. National Agricultural Investment Program (PNISA) (2015-2025) (2014) Niger 10. 14. Nigeriens Nourish the Nigerian Initiative (2012) 11. 15. The Strategic Framework for Sustainable Land Management 2015-2019 (2014) 12. 16. Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth Strategy (2035 Vision) (2016) Regional 13. Population scenarios and climate scenarios 14. Error correction model 15. Process-based crop model 16. Times series of climatic events 17. Workshop on climate information and generation