Karlijn Muiderman

81 Approaches to anticipatory governance in West Africa 3 policy reformulation. The deliberative approach to scenario building was considered too political to write in the document. “If you go through the current version of the PNSR, you will hardly see a clear recommendation as it was highlighted through the scenario processes. This means that to really see the implication you have to read thought the lines. […] The way of wording things in the policy doc cannot be as clear as from the recommendations. And we are not the only contributors. So, in a political way they’ll go for a more diplomatic way. But definitely, I think that it has a large impact. They won’t mention - thanks to the scenario process, we were able to do this etc… - it’s not the right jargon” (Interview, 08 October 2018). Ultimate aim: The SP/CPSA wanted to obtain technical expertise on how to mainstream climate adaptation measures into rural development sectors, but the Futures Scenarios Project aimed to introduce more fundamental uncertainties to predication-oriented policymakers and increase the reflexive navigation of futures. AMMA-2050 climate scenarios and policy workshops Conception of the future: AMMA-2050 focused on “a science understanding of climate change using data from convection permitting modelling of future scenarios” and “provide key messages about what we can confidently say about a changing climate in West Africa” (Communication, 22 March 2019). This was partly driven by data scarcity: “In Senegal we didn’t have a good quality of data […] the national meteorological office do a little bit of climate projections but only since the last 10 years“ (Interview, 19 April 2019). Implications for actions in the present: AMMA-2050 intended to build institutional capacities for promptly using scientific information on future climate variability for medium-term development planning processes (WASCAL & AMMA-2050, 2018). This focus was partly due to its donor: “The most important thing for the BMU, the ministry of environment in Germany, was the capacity building. We do capacity building [they said]. That was very specific for this project, a lot of work, but really good to do it “(Interview, 19 April 2019). From the onset, they sought to engage with policymakers to use the climate projections in support of identifying long-term adaptation options (Visman et al., 2017). As part of this effort, AMMA-2050 collaborated with Climate Analytics who used the AMMA2050 data to produce vulnerability reports and organize policy workshops (Bah et al., 2019; Faye et al., 2019; Sadio et al., 2019). Climate Analytics organized, amongst others,