117 Compensatory role of verbal learning and consolidation in reading and spelling 5 Results Descriptive statistics for all measures are presented in Table 5.1. To compare children with dyslexia and typically developing children, we performed t-tests for independent samples with Holm-Bonferroni correction (Holm, 1979). Children with dyslexia scored below typically developing children on all outcomemeasures and on predictormeasures phonological awareness measures (except the raw scores of phoneme deletion) and rapid naming measures (except the raw scores of letter naming). No differences were found in verbal workingmemory or semantic abilities. Regarding verbal learning, t-tests showed no group differences at trial 1, but significant differences at trials 2 to 5, with lower scores for the typically developing children. The total score over five trials differed, but the scaled score, intercept, and slope over five trials did not differ significantly. Finally, no differences were found regarding verbal consolidation. Correlations between all used measures are presented in Table 5.2.