Robin van Rijthoven

127 Compensatory role of verbal learning and consolidation in reading and spelling 5 Table 5.6 The Role of Verbal Learning (e.g., Slope T1-T5) in Predicting Change per Session of Word Decoding, Pseudoword Decoding, and Spelling Posttest in Children with Dyslexia, Controlled for Immediate Recall (e.g., Intercept T1-T5); and Cohen’s f2. Change per session Word decoding Change per session Pseudoword decoding Change per session Spelling ∆R2 f2 b ∆R2 f2 b ∆R2 f2 b Step 1 .004 0.004 .001* 0.001 .031 0.032 Intercept (T1-T5) 0.049 -0.007 0.182 Slope (T1-T5) -0.027 -0.029 0.025 Step 2 .003 0.003 .012 0.012 .100* 0.516 Intercept (T1-T5) 0.046 <0.001 0.154 Slope (T1-T5) -0.021 -0.041 0.023 Pretest 0.059 0.111 -0.317* Total R2 adj -.055 -.061 -.075* *p< .05. **p< .01 ***p< .001 Table 5.7 The Role of Verbal Consolidation (e.g., Trial 6) in Predicting Change per Session of Word Decoding, Pseudoword Decoding, and Spelling Posttest in Children with Dyslexia, Controlled for Trial 5 (e.g., Intercept); and Cohen’s f2. Change per session Word decoding Change per session Pseudoword decoding Change per session Spelling ∆R2 f2 b ∆R2 f2 b ∆R2 f2 b Step 1 .001 0.001 .018 0.018 .087 0.095 Intercept (Trial 5) 0.009 -0.050 -0.139 Verbal consolidation (Trial 6) -0.36 0.158 0.354* Step 2 .005 0.005 .013 0.013 .070 0.083 Intercept (Trial 5) 0.021 -0.067 -0.121 Verbal consolidation (Trial 6) -0.056 0.170 0.275 Pretest 0.075 -0.116 -0.274 Total R2 adj -.056 -.041 .103 *p< .05. **p< .01 ***p< .001