Bastiaan Sallevelt

238 CHAPTER 3.2 Table 5. Continued. Outcome Follow-up (month) Control Intervention P value Medication-related outcomes N 1 Events (%) N 1 Events (%) OR (95% CI) 2 ADL 8 2 833 86.0 (21.4) 780 87.8 (19.7) 0.53 (-1.71 to 2.78) 0.64 6 767 87.7 (19.2) 735 88.6 (19.1) 0.49 (-1.78 to 2.76) 0.67 12 713 86.9 (20.3) 665 89.0 (18.4) 1.60 (-0.70 to 3.89) 0.17 ©MMAS-8 9 2 793 6.52 (0.834) 725 6.55 (0.819) 0.02 (-0.06 to 0.10) 0.68 12 707 6.57 (0.815) 666 6.60 (0.759) 0.03 (-0.05 to 0.12) 0.46 1 Numbers of participants differ for each outcome at different time points, as they were based on available data at months 2, 6, and 12 for medication-related outcomes and for patient-reported outcomes, and non-available data at 12 months were mainly due to death (see Figure 1, N of deaths until month 2, 6, 12: 167, 280, 385). 2 OR <1 indicates less events in the intervention group. 3 Drug misuse: drugs with an indication, but error in prescribing, dispensing, administering or monitoring the medication. For the detailed definitions of clinically significant drug-drug interactions, drug overuse and underuse see Methods appendix. 4 Adjusted difference: Adjusted for the baseline value of the outcome. Positive values indicate higher values in the intervention group. 5 Long-term medications are defined as use of a drug for >30 days. 6 QoL/EQ-VAS: Quality of life as measured by the visual analogue scale that is the second part of the European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions questionnaire. Values ranged from 0 to 100. Higher values indicate higher quality of life. 7 Pain/discomfort score (EQ-5D): Pain/discomfort as measured in the 5-level version of the European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions questionnaire (EQ-VAS). Values ranged from 0 to 4. Higher values indicate higher level of pain or discomfort. 8 ADL: Basic Activities of Daily Living, as measured by the Barthel Index. Values ranged from 0 to 100. Higher values indicate higher functional independence. 9 ©MMAS-8: Drug compliance, measured by Medication Adherence Questionnaire (©MMAS-8) developed by Morisky (35–37). Values ranged from 0 to 8. Higher scores indicate higher levels of adherence. Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; N, number; OR, odds ratio; SD, standard deviation