Bastiaan Sallevelt

281 Frequency and acceptance of CDSS-generated STOPP/START signals Figure 1. Summary of all consecutive steps (1–5) of the medication reviewwithin the OPERAM trial and the focus of this study: the acceptance of CDSS-generated STOPP/START signals by the pharmacotherapy team (steps 1–3) prior to discussion with the attending hospital physician and the patient. CDSS = clinical decision support system. Outcomes The primary outcome was the frequency and subsequent acceptance of CDSSgenerated STOPP/START signals by the pharmacotherapy team (Figure 1, step 2–3). Frequency was defined as the number of population-based STOPP/START signals generated by the CDSS. Acceptance was defined as the percentage of STOPP/ START signals accepted by the pharmacotherapy team after evaluation for clinical applicability to the individual patient. Accepted signals resulted in recommendations for the attending hospital physicians to initiate a drug based on START signals, or in recommendations to discontinue or reduce dosage (e.g. drug tapering of benzodiazepines, antidepressants) based on STOPP signals. Data regarding both the accepted and rejected STOPP/START signals by the pharmacotherapy team were saved within the CDSS and available for analysis. The mean acceptance – namely, the percentage of accepted STOPP and START signals on the patient’s level – was used to investigate determinants that may affect signal acceptance. Potential determinants Signal type (STOPP vs START), patient-related factors and setting-related factors were investigated as potential determinants. Patient-related factors included gender, 4