Bastiaan Sallevelt

286 CHAPTER 4.1 (+7.1% [95% CI, 0.7; 13.4]) and one or more hospital admissions in the previous year (+7.9 [95% CI, 1.6; 14.1] were positively associated with acceptance of START signals. Compared with Switzerland, a higher acceptance was only found in Ireland (+31.1% [95% CI, 18.2; 44.0]). Table 3 shows all results of univariate andmultivariate linear regression analysis of patient- and setting-related determinants on mean acceptance of STOPP and START signals. Table 1. Baseline characteristics of the study population. Characteristics N = 826 Age, years 78 (74–84) Sex, female 46.4 (383) Number of co-morbidities 11 (8–17) Number of medications 10 (7–13) Renal function, CKD-EPI; ml/min/1.73m2 61 (43–79) Nursing home residents 8.4 (69) Housebound 13.3 (110) Barthel Index of ADL1 95 (75–100) Patients with one or more fall(s) in the previous year Number of falls in the previous year 37.9 (313) 0 (0–1) Patients with ≥1 hospital admission in the previous year Number of hospital admissions in the previous year 50.1 (414) 1 (0–1) Length of hospital stay (days) 8 (6–12) Admission type - Elective - Non-elective 25.3 (209) 74.1 (612) Ward - Medical - Surgical 78.1 (645) 21.9 (181) Country of inclusion - Switzerland - Belgium - Ireland - The Netherlands 48.3 (399) 16.0 (132) 11.1 (92) 24.6 (203) Data are presented as % (n) for categorical variables or median (interquartile range) for continuous variables. Missing data: renal function, 74 (9.0%); nursing home residents, 3 (0.4%); Barthel Index of ADL, 11 (1.3%); housebound, 2 (0.2%); number of falls during the previous year, 9 (1.1%); number of hospitalisations in the previous year, 3 (0.4%); length of stay during index hospitalisation, 2 (0.2%); admission type, 5 (0.6%) ADL activities of daily living, CKD-EPI chronic kidney disease epidemiology collaboration equation 1ADL as measured by the Barthel Index. Values ranged from 0 to 100. Higher values indicate higher functional independence.18