Bastiaan Sallevelt

291 Frequency and acceptance of CDSS-generated STOPP/START signals Table 3. Continued. Determinant STOPP START Patients N Univariate % [95% CI] Multivariate % [95% CI] Patients N Univariate % [95% CI] Multivariate % [95% CI] Number of hospital admissions in the previous year 0 386 43.4 Reference 319 34.2 Reference 1 402 -5.9 [-10.4; -1.5]* -3.5 [-8.1; 1.2] 359 +7.2 [1.4; 13.0]* +7.9 [1.6; 14.1]* Housebound No 687 40.0 Reference 589 36.8 Reference Yes 102 +1.2 [-5.5; 7.9] -4.9 [-12.5; 2.7] 90 +9.1 [0.6; 17.6] -0.0 [-10.0; 10.0] Renal function (eGFR;CKD-EPI; ml/ min/1.73m2) >50 477 39.4 Reference 407 36.6 Reference 30-50 169 -1.6 [-7.2; 4.0] -2.0 [-7.6; 3.6] 149 +2.5 [-4.7; 9.7] +2.1 [-5.5; 9.6] <30 76 0.2 [-7.5; 8.0] +1.6 [-6.0; 9.3] 69 -1.0 [-10.7; 8.8] -1.0 [-11.1; 9.1] Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 120-140 298 39.8 Reference 261 37.2 Reference <120 243 -2.8 [-8.1; 2.7] -0.0 [-5.5; 5.5] 209 -0.3 [-7.3; 6.7] -1.1 [-8.4; 6.2] >140 235 +3.9 [-1.6; 9.4] +3.0 [-2.6; 8.6] 199 +3.3 [-3.8; 10.4] +4.7 [-2.9; 12.2] Setting-related Ward Medical 618 38.6 Reference 535 38.1 Reference Surgical 173 +7.2 [1.8;12.6]* +10.3 [3.8; 16.8]* 146 +0.2 [-6.9; 7.3] -1.8 [-10.5; 6.9] Admission type Elective 198 39.1 Reference 163 38.6 Reference Non-elective 589 +1.5 [-3.7; 6.7] +4.8 [-1.2; 10.8] 514 -0.4 [-7.2; 6.4] +1.4 [-6.8; 9.7] 4