Bastiaan Sallevelt

307 Frequency and acceptance of CDSS-generated STOPP/START signals - SI Table SI1.1. Continued. STOPP criteria (n=79) All countries Belgium (BE) Switzerland (CH) Ireland (IE) The Netherlands (NL) Frequency (N) Acceptance (%) Frequency (N) Acceptance (%) Frequency (N) Acceptance (%) Frequency (N) Acceptance (%) Frequency (N) Acceptance (%) K 3. Vasodilator drugs (e.g. alpha-1 receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, long-acting nitrates, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin I receptor blockers, ) with persistent postural hypotension i.e. recurrent drop in systolic blood pressure ≥ 20mmHg (in patients with risk of falls) 14 14.3% 0 N/A 9 11.1% 5 20.0% 0 N/A B 10. Centrally-acting antihypertensives (e.g. methyldopa, clonidine, moxonidine, rilmenidine, guanfacine), unless clear intolerance of, or lack of efficacy with, other classes of antihypertensives 13 46.2% 9 44.4% 3 66.7% 0 N/A 1 0% J 1. Sulphonylureas with a long duration of action (e.g. glibenclamide, chlorpropamide, glimepiride) with type 2 diabetes mellitus 12 50.0% 3 100.0% 4 50.0% 0 N/A 5 20.0% C 8. Vitamin K antagonist, direct thrombin inhibitor or factor Xa inhibitors for first deep venous thrombosis without continuing provoking risk factors (e.g. thrombophilia) for > 6 months, 10 0% 1 0.0% 7 0% 0 N/A 2 0% D 14. First-generation antihistamines 10 40.0% 0 N/A 6 16.7% 2 100.0% 2 50.0% H 4. Long-term corticosteroids (>3 months) as monotherapy for rheumatoid arthrtitis 9 22.2% 0 N/A 3 0% 5 40.0% 1 0% 4