Bastiaan Sallevelt

317 Frequency and acceptance of CDSS-generated STOPP/START signals - SI Table SI1.2. Continued START criteria (n=31) All countries Belgium (BE) Switzerland (CH) Ireland (IE) The Netherlands (NL) Frequency (N) Acceptance (%) Frequency (N) Acceptance (%) Frequency (N) Acceptance (%) Frequency (N) Acceptance (%) Frequency (N) Acceptance (%) E 6. Xanthine-oxidase inhibitors (e.g. allopurinol, febuxostat) with a history of recurrent episodes of gout. 35 37.1% 3 33.3% 10 60.0% 5 60.0% 17 17.6% F 1. ACE inhibitor or Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (if intolerant of ACE inhibitor) in diabetes with evidence of renal disease i.e. dipstick proteinuria or microalbuminuria (>30mg/24 hours) with or without serum biochemical renal impairment. 22 59.1% 4 75.0% 6 66.7% 5 80.0% 7 28.6% B 1. Regular inhaled B2 agonist or antimuscarinic bronchodilator (e.g. ipratropium, tiotropium) for mild to moderate asthma or COPD. 21 0% 5 0% 11 0% 1 0% 4 0% C 2. Non-TCA antidepressant drug in the presence of persistent major depressive symptoms. 18 27.8% 2 100% 10 30.0% 3 0% 3 0% C 5. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (or SNRI or pregabalin if SSRI contraindicated) for persistent severe anxiety that interferes with independent functioning. 14 28.6% 6 33.3% 5 40.0% 1 0% 2 0% 4