Bastiaan Sallevelt

320 CHAPTER 4.1 SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION SI2 TableSI2.1. List of recommendeddrug changes basedon acceptedSTOPP/START signal Drug class ATC-2 Total STOPP START Drugs for acid related disorders A02 235 232 3 Antipsychotics N05 232 232 0 Vitamins (e.g. vitamin D) A11 148 50 98 Antithrombotic agents B01 125 69 56 Mineral supplements (e.g. calcium) A12 121 61 60 Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system C09 105 16 89 Drugs for constipation A06 102 33 69 Antidepressants N06 91 81 10 Lipid modifying agents C10 90 40 50 Analgesics (e.g. opioids, high dose salicylic acid excl. NSAID) N02 77 71 6 Drugs for treatment of bone diseases M05 73 2 71 Diuretics C03 61 61 0 Urologicals G04 59 34 25 Antiinflammatory and antirheumatic products (e.g. NSAID) M01 58 58 0 Drugs for obstructive airway diseases R03 51 49 2 Beta blocking agents C07 47 10 37 Cardiac therapy (e.g. antiarrhythmics, nitrates) C01 34 34 0 Antianemic preparations B03 27 25 2 Cough and cold preparations R05 27 27 0 Drugs used in diabetes A10 19 19 0 Antigout preparations M04 19 6 13 Antihistamines for systemic use R06 19 19 0 Topical products for joint and muscular pain M02 15 15 0 Corticosteroids for systemic use H02 14 14 0 Drugs for functional gastrointestinal disorders A03 13 13 0 Opthalmologicals S01 13 13 0 Calcium channel blockers C08 12 8 4 Nasal preparations R01 12 12 0 Antiepileptics N03 10 10 0 General nutrients V06 9 9 0 Antidiarrheals, intestinal antiinflammatory/infective agents A07 8 7 1 Other nervous system drugs N07 8 8 0 Antihypertensives C02 7 7 0 Vasoprotectives C05 5 5 0 Sex hormones and modulators of the genital system G03 5 5 0 Other (<5) 39 35 4 Total 1,990 1,390 600 Data was ordered from highest to lowest numbers of accepted STOPP/START-signals by the pharmacotherapy teams. Drug class was based on ATC classification level 2. ATC Classification = Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification