Bastiaan Sallevelt

322 CHAPTER 4.1 Figure SI3.1. Visual presentation of the definition ‘recommendations’ in de main OPERAM trial paper and this substudy in relation to the OPERAM intervention. In the OPERAM trial (Chapter 3.2 - Table 3) [1] ‘recommendations’ included both accepted STOPP/START signals from the in-hospital pharmacotherapy analysis and the second analysis for the discharge report sent to the GP (n=2,331). Duplicates were removed as well as conflicting recommendations (e.g. both a recommendation to initiate and to discontinue a drug), which could occur due to changes in medication and conditions in the timeframe between first and second pharmacotherapy analysis. Dose reductions based on STOPP criteria were excluded from analysis. Frequencies of CDSS-generated signals are not provided in the main OPERAM trial paper. In this substudy, ‘recommendations’ included only accepted STOPP/START signals from the in-hospital pharmacotherapy analysis (n=1,990).