Bastiaan Sallevelt

336 CHAPTER 4.2 Table 2. Statistical analysis of determinants of agreement. Determinant Patients (N) Mean agreement (%) Linear regression (% [95%-CI]) Patient related determinants Univariate Multivariate Gender Male 66 52.9 Ref Ref Female 73 68.7 +15.8 [3.2;28.4] +17.1 [3.7;30.4] Age <75 43 62.2 Ref Ref 75-80 45 56.6 -5.7 [-21.7;10.4] -3.9 [-19.9;12.1] >80 51 64.3 +2.0 [-13.7;17.6] -2.4 [-18.8;14.1] Number of co-morbidities <7 38 63.1 Ref Ref 7-9 52 59.8 -3.3 [-19.5;12.9] -6.8 [-23.6;9.9] >9 49 61.2 -1.9 [-18.3;14.5] -3.4 [-21.1;14.4] Number of medications <9 34 57.4 Ref Ref 9-12 54 61.2 +3.8 [-12.8;20.4] -7.7 [-24.6;9.3] >12 51 63.7 +5.52 [-11.42;22.45] -8.1 [-25.9;9.7] Number of falls in the past year 0 79 55.1 Ref Ref ≥1 57 69.3 +14.1 [1.3;27.0] +15.0 [1.5;28.5] Number of hospital admissions in the past year 0 70 65.0 Ref Ref ≥1 68 56.7 -8.3 [-21.1;4.5] -6.1 [-19.2;7.0] Renal function (eGFR;CKD-EPI; ml/min/1.73m2) >50 86 57.8 Ref Ref 30-50 37 72.9 +15.1 [0.5;29.8] +18.0 [2.0;34.0] <30 13 53.0 -4.8 [-27.0;17.4] -6.3 [-29.6;17.1] Setting related determinants Univariate Multivariate Ward Medical 109 60.0 Ref Surgical 30 65.3 +5.3 [-10.3;20.9] Admission type Elective 34 60.1 Ref Non-elective 105 61.5 +1.4 [-13.5;16.4] Length of stay (days) <7 38 57.0 Ref 7-14 58 60.6 +3.6 [-12.2;19.4] >14 43 65.7 +8.7 [-8.2;25.5] All patient and setting related determinants were included in univariate linear regression model. Determinants significantly associated with higher agreement were included in the multivariate model (cut-off value P <0.2). Other variables of interest (age, number of comorbities and number of medications) were also included in the mutivariate analysis. All values including 95% confidence intervals are shown. Statistically significant values are in bold. Ref = reference category.