Bastiaan Sallevelt

457 Appendices About the author Bastiaan Sallevelt was born on the 31st of March 1991 in Boxmeer, the Netherlands, as the youngest of three children. In 2009, he graduated cum laude from the secondary school (Gymnasium) at the Elzendaalcollege, Boxmeer. He obtained both his bachelor’s (2012) and master’s degree (2016) in Pharmacy at the Utrecht University. Because of his broad interests, he combined his bachelor with a 2-year during interdisciplinary honours course (Descartes College) which enabled academic thinking from different perspectives. During his master’s degree he attended several interdisciplinary courses on ethics, social sciences and psychology. His master thesis focused on medication optimisation for people living with HIV, with special attention to polypharmacy and multimorbidity in this population (supervisors drs. Maaike van Aarle, prof. dr. Toine Egberts). This research project highly motivated him to combine research and clinical practice to optimise pharmaceutical care for vulnerable patients across healthcare settings. In 2016, he joined the European OPtimising thERapy to prevent avoidable hospital Admissions in the Multimorbid elderly (OPERAM) consortium (Dutch Principal Investigator: dr. Wilma Knol). This was the start of his PhD research project under the supervision of dr. Ingeborg Wilting, dr. Wilma Knol, prof. dr. Eugène van Puijenbroek and prof. dr. Toine Egberts. From 2017 to 2020, he combined his PhD research with a hospital pharmacy residency at the UMC Utrecht and St. Antonius Hospital Utrecht/ Nieuwegein (supervisors dr. Ingeborg Wilting, dr. Karin Rademaker, dr. Ewoudt van de Garde). In 2021 he obtained his degree as a clinical pharmacologist at the UMC Utrecht, where he currently works as a hospital pharmacist. Besides his involvement in patient care and research, he is also passionate about educating, which already started during primary and secondary school being a tutor. During his residency, he participated in several teaching courses and was involved as a teacher in non-academic, academic and post-academic education. He is currently applying for a Basic Teaching Qualification (BKO). In his future career, Bastiaan strives to combine patient care, research and education, as these pillars are strongly connected in the continuous cycle of healthcare improvement. 8