Hylke Salverda

Appendices 194 CurriculumVitae Hylke Salverda was born in Alkmaar, the Netherlands in 1988. After finishing secondary school at the Berger Scholen Gemeenschap in Bergen, the Netherlands, he studied Computer Science for two and a half years at the University of Amsterdam starting in 2007. In 2010 he switched majors and started his degree in Medicine. During his studies, he worked in the Clinical Epidemiology department. At the beginning of his Masters he did a research internship in the Otolaryngology department investigating complications after vestibular schwannomas. After being awarded cum laude as a MSc, Hylke worked for over a year in the HMC Bronovo hospital as a senior house officer in Paediatrics. To combine his technical interests and his passion for Neonatology, Hylke applied for a PhD program investigating closed-loop oxygenation and ventilation under the supervision of Prof. dr. Arjan te Pas from Leiden University Medical Center and Prof. dr. Peter Dargaville from the University of Tasmania. During the PhD program, Hylke has had the opportunity to conduct several randomized clinical trials at the Leiden University Medical Center, and perform multiple cohort studies using clinical data from infants treated with automated oxygen control. In 2020, he laid the foundations for a bench-top study comparing all commercially available automated oxygen controllers. From mid-2022 he will work as a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Tasmania to continue working on the bench-top study. In the future he hopes to continue using his experience with large data sets and apply his research skillset to improve healthcare as a general practitioner and researcher.