Hylke Salverda

35 2 Automated oxygen control in preterm infants, how does it work and what to expect Number on mode of support Control group Proportion of time spent in TR (%) Control AOC p-value 12 nCPAP 1) RMC 2) Fully dedicated operator 1) 82 (39-100) 2) 91(41-99) 91 (59 - 99) 0.01 23 nCPAP 11 MV RMC 61 ±15 72 ±14 <0.001 18 nCPAP 1 MV 1) RMC 2) CLAC slow 1) 58 ±11 2) 65 ±11 68 ±11 1) 0.0001 * 2) 0.0005 † 14 MV Fully dedicated operator 66 ±14 75 ±13 <0.05 16 MV RMC 42 ±9 58 ±10 <0.001 32 MV RMC 32 ±13 40 ±14 <0.001 14 nCPAP/NIPPV 1 MV RMC 69 ±8.2 76 ±9.2 <0.01 50 nCPAP 30 MV RMC (1) 58 ±16 (2) 54 ±16 (1) 62 ±17 (2) 62 ±17 <0.05 <0.001 27 MV RMC 60 (49-73) 73 (59-83) 0.031 nCPAP or MV RMC 48 (42-56) 62 (49-72) <0.01 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 10 nCPAP/NIPPV 2 MV RMC 69 ± 7.7 78 ± 7.1 0.0012 30 HFNC RMC 49 (40-57) 80 (70-87) <0.0001 7 HFNC 13 nCPAP RMC 56 (48-63) 81 (76-90) <0.0001