Joëlle Schutten

Effects of magnesium citrate, magnesium oxide and magnesium sulfate on arterial stiffness 133 6 Figure 3. GI symptom scores (A) and somatic symptom scores (B). Scores represent mean ± SEM. For the somatic symptom score, the mean of the 14 items was calculated. For the composite GI score, the items ‘Stomach pain’, ‘constipation, loose bowels, or diarrhea’, and ‘nausea, gas or indigestion’ were summed up. Between-group differences were calculated with the Mann-Witney U test. * P < 0.05 magnesium citrate vs. placebo, # P <0.05 magnesium oxide vs. magnesium citrate, ## P < 0.01 magnesium vs. magnesium citrate. † P < 0.05 magnesium sulfate vs. placebo. GI; gastro-intestinal.