Zainab Assy

141 The severity of oral dryness and the use of drymouth interventions by the patients upon arrival at the saliva clinic, before examination had taken place. The participants could indicate with yes/no which options they apply for the relief of their dry mouth. With the option “using other interventions”, they could report additional interventions applied not included in the questionnaire. Based on a previous study, the dry-mouth interventions were divided into two categories: frequently (> 20%) and less frequently (< 20%) applied interventions [17]. The data were statistically analysed with SPSS, version 26.0 (IBM Corp SPSS statistics, Armonk, NY, USA). The use of dry-mouth interventions by the various patient subgroups has been expressed as percentages. A chi-square test was used to investigate whether there is an overall significant difference in the use of specific dry-mouth interventions between the various patient subgroups, followed by a 2 × 2 chi-square test as post hoc analysis when appropriate. To compensate for multiple testing, Bonferroni corrected p-values have been used during further analysis. To investigate the association between use of dry-mouth interventions and the total XI, the RODI, the flow rates UWS, CH-SWS and A-SWS, a binary logistic regression analysis was performed for each patient subgroup separately. Only the interventions which showed a significant difference during the chi-square tests were further explored with the binary logistic regression. During the binary logistic regression, the dry-mouth interventions were considered a dependent variable and the total XI score, the RODI scores of each the eight different intraoral regions and the UWS, CH-SWS and A-SWS flow rates were considered as independent variables. To identify the degree of multicollinearity among the independent variables, the variance inflation factor (VIF) was calculated. The VIF for these variables was < 5, which indicates that there was no multicollinearity present among them [18, 19]. The backward conditional method was used to analyse these independent variables. If there was a significant association between a dry-mouth intervention and one or more independent variables, then the odds ratio (OR) and the 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were reported. Furthermore, the last step of the Omnibus test chi-square including their degree of freedom (df) and their p-values was reported. Also, the Cox & Snell R square and the Nagelkerke R square were mentioned, if the association was significant. All significance levels (α) were set at 0.05. 7