Zainab Assy

147 The severity of oral dryness and the use of drymouth interventions Table 4: Frequently (>20%) used interventions to relieve dry-mouth symptoms, stratified for the six patient subgroups. Data are expressed as percentages. N indicates the total number of respondents in each patient subgroup. Patients Drinking water* (%) Moistening the lips** (%) Rinsing of the mouth** (%) Drinking tea (%) Sucking candies (%) Chewing gum (%) Eating fruit* (%) Drinking small volumes** (%) Drinking coffee** (%) Usingmouth gel** (%) Focusing on other activities (%) Controls# (N=136) 79.2 45.4 43.1 42.3 33.8 36.9 24.6 20.8 19.2 18.5 22.3 Low Med patients (N=157) 78.8 55.0 50.3 47.7 47.0 43.0 31.8 25.2 35.1a 15.9 19.9 High Med patients (N=140) 84.8 62.1 66.7a 52.3 47.7 38.6 42.4a 41.7a,b 40.2a 29.5 25.0 RTX patients (N=10) 90.0 60.0 60.0 60.0 40.0 50.0 30.0 60.0 20.0 30.0 0.0 SS patients (N=46) 100.0a,b 81.8a,b 63.6 56.8 43.2 47.7 31.8 56.8a,b 38.6 45.5a,b 22.7 SS + High Med patients (N=22) 86.4 90.9a,b,c 63.6 68.2 40.9 36.4 54.5 59.1a,b 27.3 27.3 27.3 Total study population (N=517) 83.2 58.1 54.7 49.4 42.9 40.7 33.4 33.2 32.2 24.3 22.1 # controls: subjects visiting a saliva clinic who did not use prescription medication, were not treated with radiotherapy in head and/or neck region and were not diagnosed with Sjögren’s syndrome. Overall Chi-square test among the six patient subgroups: * p<0.05 Overall Chi-square test among the six patient subgroups: ** p<0.01 Post-hoc 2X2 Chi-square test: a Bonferroni-corrected p< 0.05 vs controls, b Bonferroni-corrected p< 0.05 vs Low Med patients, c Bonferronicorrected p< 0.05 vs High Med patients, d Bonferroni-corrected p< 0.05 vs RTX patients, e Bonferroni-corrected p< 0.05 vs SS patients. 7