Zainab Assy

233 Apppendices ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Doing this PhD trajectory is a privileged opportunities in my life. Throughout this journey I have learned a lot about saliva, dry mouth and scientific research techniques. However, most importantly were the people I met during this journey. I am really grateful for everything you did to enrich my journey and all the things you are still doing for me! There are no words to describe my gratitude to you all, thank you so much! I am honoured to thank some people personally for their significant and positive effect during my PhD trajectory. Prof. dr. Bikker, dear Floris (known as professor saliva, or in Dutch as ‘professor spuug’). There are very few professors like you; you are full of knowledge, always helpful, always kind and respectful, and you always challenge me and other department members to be excellent scientific researchers. You really have it all! The most important thing I learnt from you is your advice about scientific writing: ‘heden verse eieren te koop’. Each time I write a manuscript I think about this saying, and I am always trying to implement it as much I can. Your positive vibes are contagious, and they not only have a positive effect on me, but also the whole Biochemistry crew. For this reason, Oral Biochemistry is one of the best departments for research. Thank you for everything and especially your confidence in me! Dr. Brand, dear Henk. Doing research with you is a very worthful experience! You have a lot of expertise in multiple scientific-related fields and that makes you a wonderful supervisor. Especially your statistical knowledge is something I am really jealous about. I am still trying to be as statistically as good as you are. You helped me to overcome my challenges and not just seeing them as difficulties that were facing my path. In the beginning of my PhD trajectory writing a rebuttal letter was stressful, but with your advice I know how to approach these letters with significantly less stress and anger. Besides these academic skills, you are helpful and friendly. I know you recently reached a milestone, as you now have >200 publications. However, I think the number of 250 is even more special. So, keep the hard work so you can reach this 250 even before your retirement. Thank you so much! Dr. Jager, dear Derk-Jan. I really enjoyed joining you during your saliva clinic. Each time I was fascinated by your knowledge about the various drymouth aetiologies and dry-mouth interventions. For this reason, I learned a lot after visiting your saliva clinic, especially the way you approach and inform your patients. Your support revising my manuscripts was much appreciated especially given your lack of time and plentiful responsibilities. Your feedback