Zainab Assy

235 Apppendices Dear Annina although we have only known each other for a short period of time, I really enjoy your company! I am glad we share the same thoughts about certain topics. Dr. Farhad Rezaee I really enjoyed the talks with you, especially our political talks! You are ‘De Aardige Pers’ of our department. Family and friends I would like to thank the most important person; my mum, Alia Hussein. Words cannot describe my gratitude for your help, support and effort during my PhD trajectory and duringmy whole life. You listened to all my presentations multiple times, and you never complained about hearing the same presentation multiple times. You are really a Super-Mum! I cannot reward you for being such a wonderful mum, thank million times! Also, my lovely family in particular my uncles, aunts and cousins thank you for our support in this process. Thank you, so much dear family, for everything you did or said to help me! Because we are such a big family, I did not include all family member names, though one special person should be mentioned. My dearest uncle Mahdi Al-Mussawi, we all really miss you! Although you are not with us anymore; you will be always remembered and cherished in our thought. I would like to thank all my friends for their support and help during the past years! A special thank for my two lovely paranymphs: Dear Sherien, you supported me and my mum in difficult times. We are grateful for all your help and support. You are more than a wonderful friend; you are really a family member to us. All my love to you and Nour. Dear Eliška, since secondary school we shared wonderful memories together. Although we do not speak or see each other frequently, still you are a special person to me. I really want to share this once-in-a-lifetime experience with you. Hopefully we can enjoy a lifelong friendship together! Thank you so much Sherien and Eliška for everything!! ACTA PhD Council (APC) Dear Danuta, Mouri, Thiprawee, Yuqing; you were not just fellow members of the APC, but you are now good friends. The effort and time you put into the APC meetings and activities had a far-reaching positive effect on the PhD community. You are nice and lovely ladies, thank you so much for everything!! Cariology team All the members of the Cariology department; you are amazing colleagues! Thank you for your understanding and support.