Zainab Assy

236 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Zainab Assy was born on 22nd of August 1989 in Bagdad, Iraq. After finishing her secondary education (VWO) at the Oostvaarders College in Almere in 2009, she started studying Dentistry at the Academic Centre of Dentistry Amsterdam (ACTA). Her bachelor and master thesis had both saliva-related topics. Her Bachelor thesis was entitled the ‘the effect of fruit chewing gums on salivary pH’, while her Master thesis systematically discussed the effect of acupuncture on xerostomia and hyposalivation. In July 2016, she received her master’s degree in Dentistry. In the same year, she started working as a dentist-teacher at the department of Cariology (ACTA) and also in dental practice as a dentist. Subsequently, she adjusted her Master thesis into a scientific article under the supervision of Dr. Henk Brand. Her enthusiasm for saliva-related research topics led to a successful nomination by Prof. Floris Bikker and Dr. Henk Brand (from the department of Oral Biochemistry, ACTA) in their research grant funded by the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde (NTVT) in 2018. Consequently, Zainab started her PhD trajectory entitled ‘Diagnosis of dry-mouth symptoms’ at the Department of Oral Biochemistry (ACTA) under the supervision of Prof. Floris Bikker (ACTA), Dr. Henk Brand (ACTA), and Dr. Derk-Jan Jager (Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery / Oral Pathology, Amsterdam UMC) in January 2019. During her PhD trajectory she conducted her research whilst continuing to work as a dentist-teacher. Zainab currently continues her saliva-related research in the Department of Oral Biochemistry (ACTA).