Zainab Assy

53 Differences in perceived intra-oral dryness Table 1 Dry-mouth patient groups in this study listed on the basis of their health status. The abbreviation used per patient group is listed, together with the group’s health status. Patient groups Abbreviation used in this study Health status Controls Controls None of the conditions listed below (i.e., radiation head and/or neck and Sjögren syndrome). Used no prescription medication Patients using limited medication Low Med patients None of the conditions listed below. Used < 4 different prescription medications Patients using multiple medications High Med patients None of the conditions listed below. Used ≥ 4 different prescription medications Irradiated patients RTX patients Radiation of the head and/or neck area. Used < 4 different prescription medications Irradiated patients using multiple medications RTX + High Med patients Radiation of the head and/or neck area. Used ≥ 4 different prescription medications Sjögren syndrome patients SS patients Sjögren syndrome. Used < 4 different prescription medications Sjögren patients using multiple medications SS + High Med patients Sjögren syndrome. Use ≥ 4 different prescription medications 3