Zainab Assy

Chapter 1 General introduction, aim and outline of thesis 9
Chapter 2 Regional differences in perceived oral dryness as determined with a newly developed questionnaire, the Regional Oral Dryness Inventory 27
Chapter 3 Differences in perceived intra-oral dryness in various dry-mouth patients as determined using the Regional Oral Dryness Inventory 47
Chapter 4 Determination of intra-oral surface areas by cone-beam computed tomography analysis and their relation with anthropometric measurements of the head 77
Chapter 5 Correlations of palatal surface area with anthropometric dimensions of head and face 95
Chapter 6 Salivary film thickness and MUC5B levels at various intra-oral surfaces 111
Chapter 7 The relationship between the severity of oral dryness and the use of dry-mouth interventions by various subgroups of dry-mouth patients 137
Chapter 8 The association between oral dryness and use of dry-mouth interventions in Sjögren’s syndrome patients 161
Chapter 9 Preferences of Sjögren’s syndrome patients regarding potential new saliva substitutes 185
Chapter 10 General discussion 205
Chapter 11 Summary 217
Chapter 12 Nederlandse samenvatting 223
Contributions of the authors 230
Acknowlegdements 233
About the author 236
List of publications 237