CHAPTER 6. Chunks in writing 103 two educational programs, there were also other aspects that may have contributed to the di erences in chunk use. As this study is based on texts written at the end of a 6-year program, it would be interesting to see at what point in time these longer, lexically based chunks appear alongside the shorter, grammatically based chunks. It would be interesting as well to replicate chunk research, using French as the language of instruction instead of English because in Dutch society the English language can be considered as a second language in the light of the considerable amount of extra-mural exposure. A future study should extend this French chunk corpus to make automated analysis of chunk use and chunk coverage possible and henceforth facilitate chunk research with the French language as the method of analysis used in this study is rather time consuming, Finally, at a more fundamental level we need to discuss how chunks or idiomaticity t within the existing CAF paradigm, as they actually overlap with all three dimensions, but for now it seems that a separate category of idiomaticity may be needed to evaluate L2 performance. is will need further study.