16 CHAPTER 1 To answer this question, this study compares the learning outcomes of the two different FFL teachingprograms inDutchVWO(pre-university education).Oneprogram follows a mostly SB design realized by means of two complementary coursebooks, both of which are commonly used in the Netherlands. e other program is the AIM program, which itself complies with DUB perspectives on language development. Rather than looking at its e ects a er 3 years of instruction, the study reported in this dissertation compare an SB and a DUB approach (realized by means of coursebooks versus the AIM method, respectively) a er the full six years of pre-university education in the Netherlands. AN OVERVIEW OF THIS DISSERTATION Chapter 2 presents a brief history of foreign language teaching practices, ending with CLT, which can itself be subdivided into a weak and a strong version. It is argued that an SB view of language can be related to and equated with weak versions of CLT and a DUB view of language to strong versions. Chapter 3 presents an overview of the general design that formed the foundation of this study and the challenges faced in the study comparing the SB and DUB approaches to FFL instruction. Chapter 3 presents general information to place the separate studies that are reported in subsequent chapters in a bigger framework. It concludes with a brief summary of each study reported in Chapters 4-7. Chapter 4 explores how receptive skills develop as a function of the two di erent teaching methods a er six years of instruction. Chapter 5 does the same for writing skills and chapter 6 presents more details by exploring the use of chunks in writing. Finally, chapter 7 presents a study targeting how speaking skills develop a er six years of either one of the two teaching methods. Chapter 8, then, summarizes the ndings of the separate studies and will attempt to relate these to the SLA literature, completing the research and teaching cycle.