Wim Gombert

188 125. Laura S. Bos (2015). e Brain, Verbs, and the Past: Neurolinguistic Studies on Time Reference. 126. Rimke Groenewold (2015). Direct and indirect speech in aphasia: Studies of spoken discourse production and comprehension. 127. Huiping Chan (2015). A Dynamic Approach to the Development of Lexicon and Syntax in a Second Language. 128. James Gri ths (2015). On appositives. 129. Pavel Rudnev (2015). Dependency and discourse-con gurationality: A study of Avar. 130. Kirsten Kolstrup (2015). Opportunities to speak. A qualitative study of a second language in use. 131. Güliz Güneş (2015). Deriving Prosodic structures. 132. Cornelia Lahmann (2015). Beyond barriers. Complexity, accuracy, and uency in long-term L2 speakers’ speech. 133. Sri Wachyunni (2015). Sca olding and Cooperative Learning: E ects on Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Knowledge in English as a Foreign Language. 134. Albert Walsweer (2015). Ruimte voor leren. Een etnoga sch onderzoek naar het verloop van een interventie gericht op versterking van het taalgebruik in een knowledge building environment op kleine Friese basisscholen. 135. Aleyda Lizeth Linares Calix (2015). Raising Metacognitive Genre Awareness in L2 Academic Readers and Writers. 136. Fathima Mufeeda Irshad (2015). Second Language Development through the Lens of a Dynamic Usage-Based Approach. 137. Oscar Strik (2015). Modelling analogical change. A history of Swedish and Frisian verb in ection. 138. He Sun (2015). Predictors and stages of very young child EFL learners’ English development in China. 139 Marieke Haan (2015). Mode Matters. E ects of survey modes on participation and answering behavior. 140. Nienke Houtzager (2015). Bilingual advantages in middle-aged and elderly populations. 141. Noortje Joost Venhuizen (2015). Projection in Discourse: A data-driven formal semantic analysis. 142. Valerio Basile (2015). From Logic to Language: Natural Language Generation from Logical Forms. 143. Jinxing Yue (2016). Tone-word Recognition in Mandarin Chinese: In uences of lexical-level representations. 144. Seçkin Arslan (2016). Neurolinguistic and Psycholinguistic Investigations on Evidentiality in Turkish.