Hanneke Van der Hoek-Snieders

Part II: Evaluation of professional functioning 105 Figure 2. Scatterplot of the personal adjustments scores at before (T0) and directly after (T1) the communication training at AC1 (n = 4) and AC2 (n = 5). Dots above the diagonal represent improvement in personal adjustments Discussion The aim of this study was to describe the CS, PA, and NFR of employees with hearing loss before (T0) and directly after (T1) participating in a communication group-training. The results suggest that most employees used more adequate CS after the group training and that their PA remained relatively stable or improved. There seems to be a difference between the two centers. For both centers, no clear trend towards a decrease in the NFR was observed. The improvement that was observed regarding the CS is in line with the systematic review that concluded that a communication group-training potentially provides better useofCS in(non-working and/orworking) adults (Hawkins, 2005).However, this finding contrasts to the results of earlier studies that investigated the effect of aural rehabilitation strategies in employees with hearing loss (Gussenhoven et al., 2017; Van der Hoek-Snieders et al., 2022).This difference is likely to be explained by the differences between the provided interventions. In contrast to the earlier studies (Gussenhoven et al. 2017; Van der Hoek-Snieders et al. 2022), during a substantial part of the trainings described in our study, employees were encouraged to reflect on