Hanneke Van der Hoek-Snieders

Chapter 1 40 Other questions derived from the Amsterdam Checklist for Hearing and Work (ACHW) include the number of working hours a week (scale value) and fulfilling managerial tasks (dichotomous). All patients were asked whether they fulfilled managerial tasks, becausemanagerial activities can be embedded inmanyprofessions and require specific skills that might appeal to hearing acuity, such as organizational and social skills (Whitley, 2019). Communication Profile for the Hearing Impaired To investigate the coping strategies, the CPHI was used. The CPHI aims to distinguish between adequate and inadequate coping behavior (Mokkink et al., 2009). It has been translated and validated for Dutch and contains two domains. The first domain regards communication strategies and contains 8 items for maladaptive behavior, 8 items for verbal strategies, and 7 items for nonverbal strategies. For example, items within the domain of communication strategies are ‘I avoid conversations, because of my hearing loss’ (maladaptive behavior), ‘When I don’t understand what is being said, I ask for a repeat’ (verbal strategies), and ‘Ialways trytowatchaperson’s face’ (non-verbal strategies). The second domain regards personal adjustments (PA) and contains 6 items for selfacceptance, 8 items for acceptance of loss, and 15 items for stress and withdrawal. For example, items within the domain of PA are ‘I get mad at myself when I can’t understand others’ (self-acceptance), ‘I can’t talk to people about hearing loss’ (acceptance of loss), and ‘I get tense, because of my hearing loss’ (stress andwithdrawal).TheCPHI scales are scored such that low scores are indicative of communicative of adjustment difficulties. Additional survey questions Additional questions included the personal characteristics age, gender, educational level, and general health condition. For health condition, the response options were good, moderate, and bad. We used a dichotomous question to ask if the employees were feeling that something should change in their work situation. Two hearingrelated characteristics were inventoried with a dichotomous question, specifically the presence of tinnitus, and the use of hearing aids. Variables in the analysis A total of 17 factors potentially influencing NFR were explored for eligibility in the statistical model (Table 1). The same factors were explored for the secondary analysis.