Hanneke Van der Hoek-Snieders

Part I: Factors inflencing professional functioning 47 Multiple regression analysis The results of the primary regression analysis (Table 4) indicated that the four predictors explained 46.1 percent of the variance (p < .001) of theNFR. ‘Feeling that something should change at work’, LE, the PA scale score, and having a moderate/ poor general health condition were significantly related to higher NFR. In the secondary regression analysis (Table 5), four predictors explained 43.1 percent of the variance (p < .01) of LE. ‘Feeling that something should change at work’, BHI, auditory work demands, and the PA scale score were significantly related to LE. In both analyses, there were no significant interaction effects. Table 4. Results of multiple linear regression analysis of factors associated with need for recovery Variable B 95% CI p Complete case analysis R2=.495 Constant 32.03 9.12 ; 54.93 .006 Feeling something should changea 19.01 12.04 ; 25.97 <.001 Subjective listening effort 1.84 0.88 ; 2.81 <.001 Personal adjustments -0.34 -0.49 ; -0.19 <.001 General health conditionb 20.06 13.18 ; 26.94 <.001 Pooled analysis after imputation R2=.461 Constant 31.78 8.70 ; 54.86 .010 Feeling something should changea 17.88 10.48 ; 25.29 <.001 Subjective listening effort 1.93 0.97 ; 2.88 <.001 Personal adjustments -0.31 -0.45 ; -0.16 <.001 General health conditionb 17.99 11.44 ; 24.53 <.001 a Reference category = not feeling that something should change in the work situation. b Reference category = being in good health. Table 5. Results of multiple linear regression analysis of factors associated with subjective listening effort Variable B 95% CI p Complete case analysis R2=.408 Constant 6.78 3.77 ; 9.80 <.001 Feeling something should changea 1.96 1.12 ; 2.80 <.001 Binaural hearing loss 0.01 0.01 ; 0.02 <.001 Auditory work demands 0.19 0.12 ; 0.26 <.001 Personal adjustments -0.05 -0.06 ; -0.03 <.001 Pooled analysis after imputation R2=.431 Constant 6.10 3.35 ; 8.84 <.001 Feeling something should changea 1.82 1.03 ; 2.61 <.001 Binaural Hearing Impairment 0.01 0.01 ; 0.02 <.001 Auditory work demands 0.20 0.14 ; 0.26 <.001 Personal adjustments -0.05 -0.06 ; -0.03 <.001 a Reference category = not feeling that something should change in the work situation.