Hanneke Van der Hoek-Snieders

Contents General introduction 9 Hearing loss Hearing assessment Hearing-critical job tasks Interventions Outline of the thesis 10 15 20 21 26 Part I: Factors influencing professional functioning 29 Chapter 1 Factors influencing the need for recovery in employees with hearing loss: a cross-sectional study of health administrative data 31 Chapter 2 The relationship between hearing status, listening effort, and the need for recovery in employees of a manufacturing company hearing-critical job tasks 55 Part II: Evaluation of professional functioning 69 Chapter 3 Factors associated with change in the need for recovery and subjective listening effort in employees with hearing loss receiving aural rehabilitation 71 Chapter 4 Communication strategies, personal adjustments, and need for recovery in employees with hearing loss who receive a communication group training 95 Part III: Measuring hearing-critical job tasks 111 Chapter 5 Detectability of auditory warning signals in the ambient noise of Dutch train cabins 113 Chapter 6 Measuring auditory fitness in locomotive engineers: development and validation of a signal detection test 131 General discussion 153 Hearing assessment Research during clinical practice Part I: factors influencing professional functioning Part II: Evaluation of professional functioning Part III: Measuring hearing-critical job tasks Implications for clinical practice Conclusions 155 160 162 163 164 165 167