Hanneke Van der Hoek-Snieders

Chapter 3 78 Figure 2. Flow chart showing the participants that were included in this study, exclusions, and the completion of the questionnaires at T0 and T1 Table 1. Baseline characteristics of the included participants (N = 60) Mean (sd) Range No. (%) Age in years 48.0 (11.3) 22 - 63 Gender, male 18 (30.0%) General health condition, good 48 (80.0%) Educational level Lower vocational 1 (1.7%) General intermediate 4 (6.7%) Intermediate vocational 18 (30.0%) General secondary 2 (3.3%) Higher vocational 25 (41.6%) University 10 (16.7%) Work sector Healthcare and public welfare 20 (33.3%) Business and financial services 11 (18.3%) Education 12 (20.0%) Construction industry 7 (11.7% Trade and catering 7 (11.7%)