Hanneke Van der Hoek-Snieders

Chapter 3 80 Instruction and counsellingwere described as one category, becausewe expected that the subtle difference between instruction and counselling could not be recognized easily based on a patient file. The instruction/counselling could focus on coping – the development of effective listening strategies and coping behavior – or on work adjustments, such as adjusting working hours or environmental changes that improve room acoustics at the workplace.The instruction/counselling could be provided by an audiologist, psychologist, social worker, or an occupational physician. Weretrospectivelyderivedthedetailsof theprovidedaural rehabilitationcomponents (sensory management, perceptual training, instruction/counselling) from patient files (Table 2). Regarding the component sensory management, we distinguished First HA, bilateral fitting, repeated fitting, fine tuning HA, and listening devices. Regarding the component instruction/counselling, we distinguished whether there was a focus on coping or on work adjustments. Table 2. Aural rehabilitation services that were provided in the study population (N = 60) First HA (n = 14) Bilateral fitting (n = 2) Repeated fitting (n = 15) Fine tuning HA (n = 23) No HA intervention (n = 6) No other 9 - 4 4 1 Listening devices 2 1 6 1 - Coping counselling 3 1 2 3 2 WA counselling - - - 4 - Listening devices & coping counselling - - - 3 1 Listening devices &WA counelling - - 2 3 - Perceptual training & coping counselling - - - 2 - Coping counselling &WA counselling - - 1 3 2 HA indicates Hearing Aid; WA, Work Adjustments. Questionnaires At T0 and T1, patients receive questionnaires by email. The questionnaires at T0 and T1 are the same, except for demographics that were only included at T0 (age, gender, general health condition, educational level, work sector, number of working hours). The questionnaires included questionnaires assessing the NFR, LE, ‘feeling that