Hanneke Van der Hoek-Snieders

Part II: Evaluation of professional functioning 81 something should change at work’, personal adjustments, communication strategies, auditory work demands, and self-reported hearing ability. The baseline questionnaires are routinely administered at the two audiological centers. The moment that patients receive these questionnaires slightly differ between the two centers. Patients who visited the Amsterdam UMC received the baseline questionnaire before the intake at the audiological center. Patients who visited Libra Revalidation and Audiology received the baseline questionnaire just after the intake with the audiologist. The follow-up questionnaires are not routinely administered at the audiological centers and was sent for research purposes. All questionnaires were sent via the clinical management programCastor Electronic Data Capture (Castor, 2019). This program complies with the Good Clinical Practice guidelines. Primary outcome measure NFR was assessed using the NFR scale that is part of the Questionnaire on the Experience and Evaluation of Work 2.0 (QEEW 2.0) (Van Veldhoven et al., 2015). This scale consists of six statements, such as ‘Because of my job, at the end of the working day I feel rather exhausted’ and ‘I find it hard to show interest in other people when I have just come home fromwork’.These statements have four response categories, respectively: always, often, sometimes, or never. The sum score can be converted to a scale score that ranges from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating higher levels of NFR. Secondary outcome measure LE was inventoried with six questions on a 4-point response scale using the Amsterdam Checklist for Hearing and Work. The questions concern the effort it takes to perform six hearing-related job activities, respectively detecting sounds, distinguishing sounds, communication in quiet, communication in noise, localizing sounds, and being exposed to loud sounds. In accordance with Van der HoekSnieders et al. (2020), a sum score was calculated of these six questions. This score can vary between 0 and 18.