Hanneke Van der Hoek-Snieders

Chapter 3 82 Determinants Feeling that something should change ‘Feeling that something shouldchange atwork’ was assessedwitha single, dichotomous question: do you feel that something should change in your work situation? Personal adjustments and communication strategies The shortened and validated version of the Communication Profile for the Hearing Impaired (CPHI) was used to assess personal adjustments and communication strategies (Lidwine B. Mokkink et al., 2010). This questionnaire aims to distinguish between adequate and inadequate coping behavior in people with hearing loss. The domain personal adjustments consists of three scales, respectively self-acceptance (4 questions), acceptance of loss (3 questions), and stress andwithdrawal (9 questions). Questions include statements, such as ‘I feel ashamed if I have to ask someone to repeat himself ’ (self-acceptance), ‘I find it difficult to accept that I amhard of hearing (acceptance of loss), and ‘I often withdraw because of my hearing loss’ (stress and withdrawal). The domain communication strategies consists of three scales, respectively maladaptive behavior (7 questions), verbal strategies (7 questions), and non-verbal strategies (5 questions). Questions include statements, such as ‘I avoid conversations with strangers, because of my hearing loss’ (maladaptive behavior), ‘I have asked my friends and colleagues to attract my attention before talking to me’ (verbal strategies), and ‘I always try to watch a persons’ face’ (non-verbal strategies). Responses are given on a 5-point scale with higher scores indicating more favorable coping strategies. Part of the statements has a frequency response scale (almost never, sometimes, regularly, usually, almost always) and the other statements have an agreement response scale (strongly disagree, disagree, uncertain, agree, strongly agree). We calculated the sum score of the personal adjustments and communication strategies scales according to Van der Hoek-Snieders et al. (2020), and the mean item score of the six sub scales. Auditory work demands Using the Amsterdam Checklist for Hearing and Work, the occurrence of six hearing-related job activities was inventoried on a 4-point response scale. Aweighted sum score for auditory work demands was calculated according to Van der Hoek-