Danielle van Reijn-Baggen

6 PAF-study: results of a randomized controlled trial 153 Table 1. Demographics at baseline Variable PFPT group (n=70) Postponed PFPT (n=70) Age, years mean ±SD, (range) 44.2±10.7, (23-66) 44.7±11.6, (19-79) Sex, women/men, n (%) 37(52.9)/33(47.1) 35(50.0)/35(50.0) Partus, yes/no (%) Vaginal/C-section (%) 31.4/21.4 28.6/2.9 30/20 25.7/4.3 Duration of complaints (%) 0-2 months 2-6 months 6-12 months 12-36 months >3 years 12.9 18.6 12.9 24.3 31.4 11.4 27.1 15.7 20.0 25.7 Smoking, yes/no (%) 7.1/92.9 11.4/88.6 Gastric bypass, yes/no (%) 2.9/97.1 4.3/95.7 Previous treatment: Botulinum toxin, yes/no (%) Lateral internal sphincterotomy, yes/no (%) Alternate, yes/no (%) 10/90 1.4/98.6 37.1/62.9 5.7/94.3 0.0/100 32.9/67.1 Obstipation, yes/no (%) 12.9/87.1 17.1/82.9 Use of laxatives/fiber, yes/no (%) 44.3/55.7 47.1/52.9 Sexual complaints, yes/no (%) 27.1/72.9 24.3/75.7 Psychological consultant, yes/no (%) 37.1/62.9 27.1/72.9 Urological complaints, yes/no (%) 25.7/74.3 28.6/71.4 Location of fissure (%) Anterior 12.9 15.7 Posterior 78.6 77.1 Other 8.6 7.1 Anal sphincter pressure (%) Decreased 1.4 1.4 Normal 12.9 10,0 Increased 85.7 88,6 Pelvic floor resting tone (%) Decreased 2.9 4.3 Normal 10.0 15.7 Increased 87.1 80.0 Squeeze pressure (%) Decreased 34.3 31.4 Normal 48.6 50.0 Increased 17.1 18.6 Traction puborectalis painful, yes/no (%) 70/30 80/20 Dyssynergia digital rectal examination, yes/no (%) 67.1/32.9 78.6/21.4 Proctoscopy, yes/no (%) 45.7/54.3 42.9/57.1 Ointment (%) Diltiazem 94.3 88.6 Isosorbinedinitrate (ISDN) 4.3 10.0 Other 1.4 1.4