Danielle van Reijn-Baggen

PAF-study, long term follow-up 197 8 Table 2. Study measures at baseline and 1-year follow-up. Comparisons within and between treatment groups and repeated measures Total group PFPT group Postponed PFPT group MD between groups Group vs time Baseline n=140 1- year n=97 p value Baseline n=70 1- year n=53 p value Baseline n=70 1- year n=44 p value p value p value Rest EMG pelvic floor mean (sd) (μV ),(n) 6.7(2.9) 4.7(1.9),(94) <0.001* 6.9(2.9) 4.8(1.9),(52) <0.001* 6.5(2.8) 4.5(1.9),(42) <0.001* p=.303b <0.001f VAS-pain mean (sd),(n) 5.3(1.6) 1.0(1.4),(94) <0.001a 5.5(1.6) 1.1(1.2),(53) <0.001a 5.2(1.6) .93(1.6),(41) <0.001a p=.509b <0.001f Proctoprom mean (sd),(n) 5.1(2.1) 2.1(1.9),(84) <0.001a 5.2(2.0) 2.1(1.9),(34) <0.001a 5.0(2.2) 2.1(1.9),(30) <0.001a p=.662c <0.001f Dyssynergia DRE yes (%),(n) 72.9 14.4,(96) <0.001d 67.1 9.4,(53) <0.001d 78.6 20.5,(43) <0.001d p=.112e NA Tenderness traction puborectalis yes (%),(n) 75.0 9.3,(96) <0.001d 70.0 7.5,(53) <0.001d 80 11.4.(43) <0.001d p=.495e NA PFPT=Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy; EMG=electromyography; VAS=Visual Analog Scale; DRE= Digital Rectal Examination; NA= not applicable *Paired t-test aWilcoxon signed rank test bUnpaired t-test cMann-Whitney U test dMcNemar eChi-square test fRepeated measurement analyses