Danielle van Reijn-Baggen

3 Systematic review of treatment efficacy of PFPT 69 Table 2. Study characteristics of the included studies. Study Design/N Population/ Mean age SD/ range) Interventions/Duration Outcome Measures (muscle tone/ function, pain, sexual function, pelvic floor symptoms, QoL, PPE) Results Fitzgerald et al.(2009) RCT N=47 Women and men with IC/PBS and CP/CPPS PFPT: 41.1(11.4) Controls: 44.9(14.0) PFPT Internal(pelvic) and external MTrP and connective tissue manipulation PF, hip girdle and abdomen Neuromuscular education Proprioceptive awareness exercises/ home exercises PF digital palpation tenderness/pain Pre-to post-treatment: IC/PBS (p<.001) CP/CPPS (p<.001) PFPT vs control: IC/PBS (p<.05) CP/CPPS: ns Control Full body Western massage Likert pelvic pain Pre-to post-treatment: IC/PBS (p<.01) CP/CPPS (p<.001) PFPT vs control: IC/PBS: ns CP/CPPS: ns 10 weekly 1-hour sessions NIH-pain Pre-to post-treatment: CP/CPPS (p<.001) PFPT vs control: ns SHIM Pre-to post-treatment:ns PFPT vs control:ns FSFI Pre-to post-treatment: IC/PBS (p<.01) PFPT vs control: ns ICSI Pre-to post-treatment: IC/PBS (p<.05) CP/CPPS (p<.01) PFPT vs control: IC/PBS (p<.05) CP/CPPS ns