Danielle van Reijn-Baggen

Chapter 3 72 Study Design/N Population/ Mean age SD/ range) Interventions/Duration Outcome Measures (muscle tone/ function, pain, sexual function, pelvic floor symptoms, QoL, PPE) Results Control Heat applied to lower back and myofascial release of abdominal diaphragm, piriformis, m. iliopsoas S-EMG resting tone (uV) S-EMG sustained contraction duration Pre-to post-treatment ns PFPT vs control ns Pre-to post-treatment ns PFPT vs control (p< .05) 7 one-hour sessions VAS pain during sexual intercourse Pre-to post-treatment p<.001 PFPT vs control p<.001 FSFI Pre-to post-treatment: Desire (p<.05) Arousal (p<.05) Lubrication (p<.05) Orgasm (p<.001) Satisfaction (p<.001) Pain (p<.001) Total Score (p<.001) PFPT vs control: Desire ns Arousal ns Lubrication (p<.05) Orgasm ns Satisfaction ns Pain (p<.05) Total Score ns Table 2. Continued