Danielle van Reijn-Baggen

3 Systematic review of treatment efficacy of PFPT 79 Study Design/N Population/ Mean age SD/ range) Interventions/Duration Outcome Measures (muscle tone/ function, pain, sexual function, pelvic floor symptoms, QoL, PPE) Results ICSI Pre- to post-treatment (p<.05) Pre-treatment-to follow-up (p< .05) SF-12 physical scale SF-12 mental scale Pre-to post-treatment (p<.05) Pre-treatment-to follow-up ns Pre-to post-treatment (p<.05) Pre-treatment-to follow-up ns Cornel et al. (2005) Prospective cohort study N= 31 Men with CP/CPPS PFPT: 43.9 (23-70) PFPT Explanation of pelvic anatomy and function s-EMG biofeedback training PF exercises s-EMG rest uV Pre-to post-treatment (p<.001) No control group NIH-CPSI pain Pre-to post-treatment (p<.001) 6-8 sessions initially once a week later on every 2-4 weeks NIH-CPSI micturition Pre-to post-treatment (p<.001) NIH-CPSI total Pre-to post-treatment (p<.001) NIH-CPSI QoL Pre-to post-treatment (p<.001) Table 2. Continued