Danielle van Reijn-Baggen

Chapter 3 80 Study Design/N Population/ Mean age SD/ range) Interventions/Duration Outcome Measures (muscle tone/ function, pain, sexual function, pelvic floor symptoms, QoL, PPE) Results Clemens et al. (2000) Prospective cohort study N=19 Men with CP/CPPS PFPT: 36 (18-67) PFPT Explanation of pelvic anatomy and function s-EMG biofeedback training Bladder training Hold/relax PF home exercises VAS pain score Pre-to post-treatment (p<.001) AUA bother score Pre-to post-treatment (p<.001) No control group AUA symptom score Pre-to post-treatment (p<.001) 6 biweekly 1-hour sessions VAS urgency Pre-to post-treatment (p<.005) VAS voiding frequency Pre-to post-treatment (p<.005) Anderson et al. (2011) Prospective cohort study N=116 Men with CP/CPPS PFPT: 48 (19-80) PFPT Internal manual techniques PF home exercises Psychologist daily instructions on reducing nervous system VAS pelvic pain Pre-to post-treatment (p<.001) No control group PPSS sexuality PPSS symptom severity Pre-to post-treatment (p<.001) Pre-to post-treatment (p<.001) Table 2. Continued