Danielle van Reijn-Baggen

3 Systematic review of treatment efficacy of PFPT 85 with s-EMG include a wide variation in equipment and electrodes, protocols and non-standardized normal rest s-EMG values.55 It would be advisable to use s-EMG measures in conjunction with other muscle resting tone measures.13,48 Overall, it is clear that better outcome measures are needed. Another issue concerns the use of questionnaires. The wide range of conditions in which PFH seems to be involved as well as the wide range of PFH symptoms render the decision about which questionnaires to include in a study, a difficult one. Only validated patient related outcome measures will bring this field further along. Conclusion The findings of this systematic review suggest that PFPT can be beneficial in patients with PFH. Given the low to moderate study quality, more high-quality RCTs with standardized treatment protocols, validated outcome measures, sufficient sample sizes and long-term follow-ups should be undertaken to confirm the effectiveness of PFPT in the treatment of PFH.