Martine De Herdt

205 MET and nodal metastasis Supplementary tables Supplementary table 1: comparison of the patient & tumor characteristics and MET positivity between the early OTSCC included from the LUMC and Erasmus MC (n=102). Leiden cohort (n=25) Rotterdam cohort (n=77) p-value Number Percentage Number Percentage Gender Male 14 56.0 46 59.7 Female 11 44.0 31 40.3 0.741 Age at diagnosis (years) Mean (range) 57.0 (38.0 – 78.0) 60.5 (24.0 – 90.0) 0.283 Tumor diameter (cm) Mean (range) 1.94 (0.700 – 3.10) 1.81 (0.400 – 4.00) 0.458 pT (8th edition of the AJCC) T1 4 16.0 27 35.1 T2 21 84.0 50 64.9 0.072 pN N0 16 64.0 56 72.7 N≥1 9 36.0 21 27.3 0.405 Extranodal extension* No 22 88.0 72 93.5 Yes 3 12.0 5 6.5 0.401 Pathological cancer stage** (8th edition of the AJCC) I – II 16 64.0 57 74.0 III – IV 9 36.0 20 26.0 0.334 Resection margins Clear and close 21 84.0 60 77.9 Positive 4 16.0 17 22.1 0.514 MET positive < 10% D1C2 uniform positivity 10 40.0 47 61.0 ≥ 10% D1C2 uniform positivity 15 60.0 30 39.0 0.066 DOI > 4 mm ≤ 4 mm 5 20.0 22 28.6 > 4 mm 20 80.0 55 71.4 0.399 * Here the Fisher’s Exact Test was used as 1 cell has an expected count of less than 5. ** All included patients are assessed as pM=0. 6