Martine De Herdt

265 Samenvatting Referenties 1. Gentile A, Trusolino L, Comoglio PM. The Met tyrosine kinase receptor in development and cancer. Cancer Metastasis Rev 2008;27:85-94. 2. Arnold L, Enders J, Thomas SM. Activated HGF-c-Met Axis in Head and Neck Cancer. Cancers (Basel) 2017;9. 3. De Herdt MJ, Baatenburg de Jong RJ. HGF and c-MET as potential orchestrators of invasive growth in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. Front Biosci 2008;13:2516-26. 4. Szturz P, Raymond E, Abitbol C, Albert S, de Gramont A, Faivre S. Understanding c-MET signalling in squamous cell carcinoma of the head & neck. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol 2017;111:39-51. 5. Leemans CR, Snijders PJF, Brakenhoff RH. The molecular landscape of head and neck cancer. Nat Rev Cancer 2018;18:269-82. 6. Lorch JH, Posner MR, Wirth LJ, Haddad RI. Seeking alternative biological therapies: the future of targeted molecular treatment. Oral Oncol 2009;45:447-53. 7. Gherardi E, Birchmeier W, Birchmeier C, Vande Woude G. Targeting MET in cancer: rationale and progress. Nat Rev Cancer 2012;12:89-103. 8. Kim KH, Kim H. Progress of antibody-based inhibitors of the HGF-cMET axis in cancer therapy. Exp Mol Med 2017;49:e307. 9. Huang F, Ma Z, Pollan S, Yuan X, Swartwood S, Gertych A, et al. Quantitative imaging for development of companion diagnostics to drugs targeting HGF/MET. J Pathol Clin Res 2016;2:210-22. 10. Kantarjian H, Rajkumar SV. Why are cancer drugs so expensive in the United States, and what are the solutions? Mayo Clin Proc 2015;90:500-4. 11. Prasad V. Do cancer drugs improve survival or quality of life? BMJ 2017;359:j4528. 12. Administration of USFD. Companion diagnostics. companion-diagnostics. 2018. Accessed: 14.01.2022 2022. 13. Szturz P, Budikova M, Vermorken JB, Horova I, Gal B, Raymond E, et al. Prognostic value of c-MET in head and neck cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis of aggregate data. Oral Oncol 2017;74:68-76. 14. Bordeaux J, Welsh A, Agarwal S, Killiam E, Baquero M, Hanna J, et al. Antibody validation. Biotechniques 2010;48:197-209. 15. Foveau B, Leroy C, Ancot F, Deheuninck J, Ji Z, Fafeur V, et al. Amplification of apoptosis through sequential caspase cleavage of the MET tyrosine kinase receptor. Cell Death Differ 2007;14:752-64. 16. Tulasne D, Deheuninck J, Lourenco FC, Lamballe F, Ji Z, Leroy C, et al. Proapoptotic function of the MET tyrosine kinase receptor through caspase cleavage. Mol Cell Biol 2004;24:10328-39. 17. Ancot F, Leroy C, Muharram G, Lefebvre J, Vicogne J, Lemiere A, et al. Shedding-generated Met receptor fragments can be routed to either the proteasomal or the lysosomal degradation pathway. Traffic 2012;13:1261-72. 18. Athauda G, Giubellino A, Coleman JA, Horak C, Steeg PS, Lee MJ, et al. c-Met ectodomain shedding rate correlates with malignant potential. Clin Cancer Res 2006;12:4154-62. 19. Foveau B, Ancot F, Leroy C, Petrelli A, Reiss K, Vingtdeux V, et al. Down-regulation of the met receptor tyrosine kinase by presenilin-dependent regulated intramembrane proteolysis. Mol Biol Cell 2009;20:2495-507. 20. Lefebvre J, Ancot F, Leroy C, Muharram G, Lemiere A, Tulasne D. Met degradation: more than one stone to shoot a receptor down. FASEB J 2012;26:1387-99. 10