Anouk Donners

108 Chapter 6 Table 1. Continued. 1st Author (study name) Year of publication n = Study phase Study country Multicenter Openlabel Randomized Controlled Parallel comparison Study design Population FVIII inhibitor Dosing regimen Follow-up period Industry fundeda Retout S. 2020 389 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA PK Analysis PwHA +, - QW, Q2W, Q4W NA + Hooimeijer H.L. 2020 1 IV Netherlands - NA NA NA NA Case report PwHA + QW, once every 10 days 1 year - Barg A.A. 2020 40 IV Israel - NA NA NA NA Prospective cohort study PwHA, child +, - QW 45 weeks (median) -, conflict of interest aIndustry-funded by F. Hoffman-La Roche and/or Chugai Pharmaceutical. Abbreviations: (R)CT: (randomized) clinical trial; n: number of subjects; NA: not applicable; PK: pharmacokinetic; PwHA: people with haemophilia A; QW: weekly dose interval; Q2W: two weekly dose interval; Q4W: four weekly dose interval; SSI: single subcutaneous injection; SII: single intravenous injection.